Oklahoma Election Results: May 9 special elections and propositions
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Scroll down to see the election results
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It’s Election Day in Oklahoma, and residents in 22 counties statewide went to the voting booth.
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Those who live in Moore will decide whether the city will join others in the area on curbside recycling. Currently, Moore residents must take their recycling to a specific facility.
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City Manager Brooks Mitchell said the city would distribute funds from the old recycling center to cover some of the costs of curbside recycling, but residents would sill have to pay. Some people have supported curbside recycling for years while others are not on board due to the cost.
“It was a close vote in 2016. It failed. But with the growth of our city and the continued demand for recycling, we felt it was appropriate to bring it back and let the voters decide,” Mitchell said. “The interest in curbside recycling in the city of Moore, the fact that it would be mandatory and it would cost the residents a little less than $4 a month.”
In Norman, a proposition would increase the city’s hotel room tax from 5% to 8%. The hotel tax is a special revenue fund that would bring money to Norman.
A portion of the funds would benefit Norman Arts and Parks. If passed, the increase would also benefit a new area as the city looks to expand to sports.
"We call it OPM – ‘other people’s money.’ We want them bringing their wallets full of cash, spending it here, going home and making more and coming back," Dan Schemm, the executive director of Visit Norman, said. "There’s lots of opportunities here to attract visitors or different sporting events. We always knew youth sporting events were recession-proof. We found out over the last few years that they’re also pandemic-proof."